Valuebury - Online Course - BRAVE THINKING® MASTERS by Mary Morrissey


The Art & Science of Achieving Extraordinary Results

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Type: Online Course

Join a movement of like-minded BRAVE THINKING® Masters worldwide, and enjoy exclusive access to one of the world’s most influential master teachers!

In the BRAVE THINKING® Masters Program, world-class master coach, speaker and DreamBuilding expert Mary Morrissey will train you to think bravely, act boldly, and accomplish brilliantly in every aspect of your life.

Over the course of 12 months, you will learn the same BRAVE THINKING® technology that Ford, Wanamaker, Firestone, Edison and many other brave thinkers exemplified to live their purpose, create extraordinary results, and make a significant difference in the lives of others. Joining this group of elite Brave Thinkers means that, like them, you will become a master at accomplishing more with less effort, and seeing abundance and success appear with greater frequency and ease!

For over 40 years, Mary has supported and coached thousands of people worldwide in becoming masters of BRAVE THINKING® and in creating a life they love living. No matter what obstacles you face, or how many times you’ve failed in the past, Mary knows first hand how to help you break through and create the results you most desire.

You Will:

Create a strategic, step-by-step plan to achieve the measurable results you desire.

Discover the power of using that plan to create accelerated success.

Increase clarity and confidence through personalized, laser-focused coaching and breakthrough strategies from Mary and her team of experts.

Network with an elite group of high-achievers and Brave Thinkers who are committed to supporting your exponential growth and your achievement.

  • Format: digital
  • Language: english
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Learn More About the Expert Mary Morrissey

Valuebury Expert Mary Morrissey

Mary Morrissey

International Speaker, Bestselling Author and Empowerment Specialist